LetSell Holiday Home in KENDAL (2012)

Next 6 months

The table shows availability of the property. While it was accurate when written, reservations may be being processed hence the list may not reflect the accurate letting position.  Please email your requirements so we can confirm availability.  Lets for periods of less than a week may be possible.  Once again, please email your requirements. 


Included in the price is the following:

Use of bed linen and duvets – linen changed weekly

Use of dish clothes, drying clothes – changed weekly.

Gas, Electric and water – assuming normal usage.

A limited range and quantity of soap and shampoo are provided



·         A booking deposit is £100. The balance of the fee is to be paid at least 4 weeks before the let commences (balance payment date).

·         A damage and return condition deposit of £200 is to be paid at the same time as the balance of the payment

·         An itinerary is kept which is checked upon final cleaning. The damage deposit will be refunded once the itinerary has been checked, damage assessed and valued along with hand back cleanliness condition. Where necessary extra charges will be deducted from the deposit.

·         The weekly let starts on Saturday at 16:00 and ends on Saturday at 11:00. It is important that guests comply with these times.




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